
Does this standard require classroom training for employees on the required subjects of the rule?

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  • Does this standard require classroom training for employees on the required subjects of the rule?

No. Employers are in the best position to determine how training can most effectively be accomplished. Therefore, the standard does not specify how an employer needs to train employees. Acceptable forms of training may include hands-on training, videos, slide presentations, classroom instruction, informal discussions during safety meetings, written materials, or any combination of these methods. However, to ensure that employees comprehend the material presented during training, it is critical that trainees have the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers if they do not fully understand the material presented to them. This requirement can be met in a variety of ways. For example, employers that train employees through video presentations or computer-based programs can have a qualified trainer available to address questions after the presentation, or provide a telephone hotline so that trainees have direct access to a qualified trainer. See 81 Fed. Reg. at 16845. Employers may also choose to designate a qualified employee to answer questions for these purposes.

October 2018

Tags: OSHA

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