
Do construction employers have to consider exposures from other contractors when determining if their employees’ exposures will remain below the AL of 25 μg/m3 as an 8- hour TWA under any foreseeable conditions?

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  • Do construction employers have to consider exposures from other contractors when determining if their employees’ exposures will remain below the AL of 25 μg/m3 as an 8- hour TWA under any foreseeable conditions?

Yes, if it is foreseeable that the exposures of employees will be affected by exposures generated by other contractors. On many construction sites, there are multiple contractors performing silica-generating tasks. The silica generated by these tasks can migrate to employees of other contractors. Employers need to consider these secondary exposures when determining whether their employees’ exposures will remain below the AL under any foreseeable conditions. If, however, an employer can ensure – either due to the nature and timing of the work, or through work practice controls – that its employees will not be exposed to silica generated by other contractors, then the employer would not need to consider secondary exposures in determining whether its employees will be exposed below the AL under any foreseeable conditions.

October 2018

Tags: OSHA

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