
If employee exposure will remain below the AL of 25 μg/m3 as an 8-hour TWA under any foreseeable conditions, does the prohibition on dry sweeping, dry brushing, and the use of compressed air for cleaning clothing and surfaces apply?

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  • If employee exposure will remain below the AL of 25 μg/m3 as an 8-hour TWA under any foreseeable conditions, does the prohibition on dry sweeping, dry brushing, and the use of compressed air for cleaning clothing and surfaces apply?

No, none of the standard’s requirements apply if, without implementing any controls, exposures will remain below the AL under any foreseeable conditions. Employers should note, however, that dry sweeping, dry brushing, and the use of compressed air, either alone or in combination with other tasks, can result in exposures at or above the AL, and thus coverage under the standard. Employers should consider the duration of the dry sweeping, dry brushing, or use of compressed air; the location and frequency of the tasks; and other factors in determining whether employee exposures will remain below the AL under any foreseeable conditions. (Note that the standard’s housekeeping provisions apply in areas where dry sweeping, dry brushing, or the use of compressed air could contribute to the exposures of any employees who are covered by the standard.)

October 2018

Tags: OSHA, Housekeeping

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