
What do we do with these I-9's ?

Welcome to the next stop in your compliance journey!

In my last post, we looked at our first easy-to-make mistake of making poor quality job descriptions. Today we’ll look at issue number two...

“This is the way we’ve always done it”

We specifically talked about the I-9 as one big example of keeping info up-to-date, but there’s so much more you need to remember. 


That’s what you’re going to hear from the judge when you give him this excuse.

Seriously, I’ve seen it happen. I’ve been in the room. It’s not pleasant.

Our business practices can’t be built on tradition. The law will change and leave you in the dust like an old Roadrunner cartoon, if you’re not careful.

And, if you’re really not careful, the law will shut you down. Don’t let that happen to you.

I want to show you how to avoid being that person. And, I promise that I will soon…

Stay organized

How many stacks of paper are on your desk literally right now?

If the answer is “don’t worry, I have a system” then we need to talk…

Records are serious business in an audit. The IRS and other agencies have made it very clear that if old records are available, they can and will be used as evidence during any sort of inspection.

Do you know where all forms and documents are, that they’re properly filled out and filed?

It’s so important in this crazy world to shred the “forever policy”, take every precaution available, monitor records retention requirements, and when it’s time – shred the records.

See below to learn about the 3rd common issue before we solve all them together.

Click the Button to check out the next section in this series
