Hey Compliance Warriors and Bosses!
Employers must use the Form I-9 with the edition date of 08/1/23, which may have an expiration date of either 07/31/2026 or 05/31/2027. Either form may be used until its respective expiration date. Downloads available on the Form I-9 download page will only include the new 05/31/2027 expiration date.
Employers are encouraged to update their electronic Forms I-9 systems to use the 05/31/2027, expiration date as soon as possible and must do so no later than July 31, 2026, the expiration date on the previously-issued Form I-9.For more information, visit I-9 Central or join a free Form I-9 webinar.
Be Audit-Secure!
Lisa Smith, SPHR, SCP
Note: This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. Always consult with a legal professional for advice specific to your situation.
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