
If an employee travels to another city with an elderly person or person with an illness, injury or disability, must all the time spent traveling be paid?

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  • If an employee travels to another city with an elderly person or person with an illness, injury or disability, must all the time spent traveling be paid?

The Department considers all travel that keeps an employee away from home overnight to be a special class of travel away from home. Travel away from home is work time to the extent that the travel cuts across the employee’s workday. The travel is simply a substitute for the employee’s other duties. A direct care worker who accompanies an elderly person or person with an illness, injury or disability on travel away from home must be paid for all time spent traveling during the employee’s normal work hours. On the other hand, as an enforcement policy, the Department will not consider as work time that time spent in travel away from home outside of regular working hours as a passenger on an airplane, train, boat, bus, or automobile. However, an employee traveling as a passenger with an elderly person or person with an illness, injury or disability as an assistant or helper and “on duty” during the flight is working even though traveling outside of the employee’s regular work hours.

October 2018

Tags: Travel Time

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