
Attorney Urges Employers to Address Domestic Violence

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  • Attorney Urges Employers to Address Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence is an epidemic. 25% (or more) of women and almost as many men are victims of violence at the hand of an intimate partner or family member. Look around your workplace and remember this statistic. I love to write about the reality of Domestic Violence and how your workplace is affected. Sadly, I get rolling eyes and very uncomfortable faces when I  discuss this topic in HR law classes I often conduct. The attitude "that only happens to other people" has proved deadly for hundreds of thousands of men and women who work somewhere. Maybe they work for you.

I, personally, survived a 12 year marriage to a man who abused me and my children mercilessly. He created havoc not only  in my home, but also at my workplace. Please read the article below written by Genevieve Douglas of Bloomberg BNA and determine what efforts must be made in your organization to address this very serious OSHA compliance issue.


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