
How do I discuss body odor hygiene concerns with an employee?

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How do I discuss body odor hygiene concerns with an employee?



This is never easy.


Discussing hygiene with employees can be challenging, but it’s crucial to approach the topic with sensitivity and professionalism. Here are some tips on addressing employee hygiene:

  1. Be discreet: When discussing hygiene concerns, ensure that the conversation takes place in a private setting to avoid embarrassing the employee.
  2. Be specific: Clearly explain the issue and provide specific examples of the hygiene concerns. Avoid making general statements or assumptions.
  3. Be empathetic: Show understanding and support by acknowledging that the employee may not be aware of the issue or might be facing personal challenges affecting their hygiene.
  4. Offer solutions: Provide guidance on how to improve personal hygiene and share resources or information that might help the employee address the issue.


Also, remember that body odor can be a medical issue that cannot be solved with a shower. Here is some great guidance for dealing with this issue:   https://askjan.org/disabilities/Body-Odor.cfm


Here is a podcast we did on this topic a few years ago. It’s 18 minutes and full of good info. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-do-i-discuss-body-odor-with-a-difficult-employee/id1003412282?i=1000428305115


I hope this helps!


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