Texas Court Grants Injunction of 2024 Noncompete Ban to a Few Texas Employers
District Court Grants Injunction of 2024 Overtime Rule Limited to State of Texas as Employer
IRS Issues FAQs on Educational Assistance Programs
Can I Fire an Employee Who Out on FMLA?
Can I discipline or even terminate a pregnant employee who is always late if she has had previous issues with tardiness?
US Department of Labor Takes Action Against Hyundai and Partners for Child Labor Violations
Rhode Island Nail Salons and Owner Commit to Worker Protection and Pay $753K in Back Wages and Damages
How can we legally and compassionately terminate underperforming employees during a merger, while immediately rehiring for the same positions without causing legal issues or morale problems?
What is a “hostile work environment”?
Creating an Effective HR Budget: A Guide for Small Businesses